Obama and Administration Treason

Green Right ArrowATJ: Barack Obama surely guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors, including treason!
Green Right ArrowDA: Treason is an impeachable crime!
Green Right ArrowFAA: Obama and his anti-Christian allies: Chaplains in military are guilty of treason!
Green Right ArrowFRC: Obama Administration are anti-Christian and anti-religious liberty: treason!
Green Right ArrowFW: ...Criminally indicted both Obama and his evil sidekick, Joe Biden, with treason!
Green Right ArrowFW: U.S. congress to impeach a President... Convict a treasonous tyrant!
Green Right ArrowFW: Obama himself thrown into prison for the high crime of TREASON!
Green Right ArrowFW: ...Criminally indicted both H. Obama and his loyal sidekick, Joe Biden, with treason!
Green Right ArrowFW: ...Anti-Constitutional tyranny of the lying, foreign-born, treasonous, power-hungry...!
Green Right ArrowFW: ...Criminally indicted both B.Obama and his loyal sidekick, Joe Biden, with treason!
Green Right ArrowFW: FW's Citizens Grand Jury...indicted B. Obama and Joe Biden for treason (2, 3. 4, 5, 6)!
Green Right ArrowPIJN: ...Smear [Christian Soldiers] as "enemies of the Constitution," or accuse them of "treason" or "spiritual rape..."!
Green Right ArrowTFIO: (CONCRETE EVIDENCE) B.H. Obama has committed treason (against U.S.) and must be held accountable!
Green Right ArrowUSJF: B.H. Obama is guilty of treason... immediately impeached... a Marxist who despises our American... (1), and LEGALLY driven from office... (1)!
Green Right ArrowUSJF: B.H. Obama Soetero Soebarkah MUST GO... impeachment! The treasonous usurper must be brought to justice immediately!
Green Right ArrowUSJF: articles of impeachment against government officials who have committed " treason...!
Green Right ArrowWCJ: ...for this crime, he must be impeached... he's committed treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors!
Green Right ArrowWHW: He appointed 32 Czars that are not vetted by Congress... not only warrant impeachment, they are treasonous!

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