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Last Trump Gathering Bible Studies
Volume One With Taken and Left [Behind] Surprises!
Volume Two Pretribbers Read and Weep (1)!

The Last Trump
When the Last Trump sounds the last Feast will begin!

Last Trump Gathering Welcome Page

"Victory in Jesus"Midi!

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First of all I want to thank you for visiting our Bible study site.


It seems like everything comes with or needs to come with instructions. And the Bible is the best instruction book ever. The following is some of my instruction for the following pages.

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Please follow the references that I have spent many hours to place. All you have to do is click on the blue reference R, scripture reference ( Gen 1:1), verse, number 1, Study, word, link and etc. that are highlighted. After you read a passage, click on a "Back" button to return. The Hebrew, Chaldee (O.T.) and Greek (N.T.) words and meanings are from "Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible."

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With God's word and the help of the Holy Spirit, I believe this study site will tremendously enlighten you. I have been wanting for years to know more truths about Jesus' second coming, the tribulation, the resurrection, and other related subjects. I do not know the day and hour (Mat 24:36), Study yet I feel that Jesus’ Second Coming (Heb 9:28) could be just around the corner because I believe that Summer is near (Mat 24:32-33). To get those truths out through this medium, I believe is my calling.

As I help to prepare us for the troubled days ahead, I hope God can perform surgery time and time again on our hearts, and take out all that is not His will. Maybe these pages will activate you in to becoming a soul winner, preacher, teacher, evangelist, missionary, or even saved, if so, then " To God Be The Glory." Midi!

Please read and study the main directories, additional Bible Studies and Messages, for in doing you will learn some true facts derived from the Bible that can't be found in any other study. As you study, you will find incomplete parts for sure. That means God is neither finished with me, with you, nor with these pages. Those incomplete parts that I am working on, and periodically adding new Bible Studies, are some good excuses for you to visit my pages time and again, and away from the perversion that is growing all around at such an alarming rate.

As for me, while I wait for the "Second Coming," I will continue to "Work for the Night is Coming," Midi! Soul win, study and write (Do Not Plagiarize!) -- redeeming the time (Eph 5:15-17; Col 4:5-6) -- for Jesus is my life, for without Him I would have very little to truly hope for, do (John 15:1-8) and say.

With Love In Christ,
Family and Friends!

P.S. I want to thank the Lord for my better half, Cindy, who has been so loving and supportive in this ministry.

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